Hey there everybody.
So, you know Lt. Dangle played by Tom Lennon, from Reno 911? Well...back in the day...he went to my High School! So, usually our tradition of excellence is another boring assembly which is either a nice power nap or a nice 45 mins of solid homework time. This time was different. Tom Lennon came & talked at one of the assembly this year. He was HILARIOUS! Such a great charismatic guy. I wasn't as lucky as Mia who actually got to do a quick interview, but I did get a hello from Lt. Dangle. I may note he didn't wear his extremely tight short shorts, but he did do a cartwheel. Anyway, he was fantastic & I am super proud to call him a "Huskie". Corny, I know.
Anyway. I've been reconnecting with a lot of old friends from when I went to school in the city. It makes shoot out tears of joy. This just makes the holidays. SPEAKING OF HOLIDAYS. I am so excited for christmas/winter break. I'll be spending some time in Cali visiting my schools (:
The weekend has brought good times. Friday was enjoyable, just relaxed at my step mom's with the boyfriend & the best friend. Today was a change of events. I saw my therapist & learned a lot that I was so oblivious to or was only subconsiously thinking of. Then spent some time at Target and ventured back to my friends house to a fun filled night full of...Barbie tossings, brownie making, and some serious True Blood watching. Many many laughs were shared & we made some awesome videos.
CURRENT OBSESSIONS: Topshop, Kate Moss, Vicks Vapor Rub (I have this terrible cough *cough*), Green tea, Edward Sharp & The Magnetic Zeros, moccasins, & sharpies.
I still have to post more fashion stuff, so I'll be posting tomorrow.
Goodnight...moon (:
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